Posts in Articles
Should I Treat A Bite Discrepancy?

What issues arise when your teeth do not meet properly, which is called malocclusion or a bite discrepancy? Malocclusion can be minor or major. Malocclusion is a common occurrence as evidenced by the high percentage of people who need orthodontic treatment. Some people get headaches, neck pain, jaw pain and tooth pain from bite discrepancies. When teeth, muscles of the jaw and or the jaw joint hurt one of the things to check is the bite. I have been part of several courses on occlusion, the way the teeth come together, as both a participant and visiting faculty. Occlusion is a core concept in dentistry and is taught early in dental school and continues in advanced post-doctoral programs.

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Some Toothpastes Can Harm Your Teeth

It’s time to review your annual dental benefits before they are lost. Most employer sponsored health insurance plans are on a calendar year. This means that the current year plan expires the last day of each year, renews in January and any unused benefits for the current year will be lost. If you have dental benefits coverage in your employer sponsored health insurance plan you may have unused dental benefits available to you and your family.

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ArticlesDr. Gallegos
Healthcare from an Airway Perspective

You may have read some of my articles on sleep apnea, snoring, breathing, airway issues and nutrition.  These issues are interrelated.  Keep in mind that our most basic and most important nutrient is air.  We can live with other depleted nutrients but not without air.  It is the most essential nutrient.  In an abbreviated way let me explain how various healthcare providers can work together to address interrelated healthcare from an airway perspective.

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